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by DeeP in Wall Photos on June 11
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Description Food for Thought. Population control? As a multiracial man who believes that sooner or later, everyone will not be able to identify themselves by just one race, I'm interested in stats on the diversity of USA's population. There is a lot to be interpreted by this information. Having said this, some stats don't make sense to me. Now, as you see these statistics, don't take into consideration the decline or growth. What I want you to do is notice the percent of population growth and decline from the different "races." There is something not quite right. See, every population grew or declined by more than 6.3% (Asian and Pacific Islanders) up to 17% (White only), yet the Blacks population has grown by 0.8% since 1990. I could see a good reason for the white population to decline and the Hispanic population (10.1%) to grow. More biracial children from interracial relationships by both parties consider themselves Hispanic. The largest group (42%) of all biracial marriages are by Whites and Hispanics. What I don't understand is why the Black population has basically stayed the same. 3 out of the 4 top populations by race have declined or grown by an average of 10.0% compared to the 0.8% for Blacks. My point is that the Blacks population hasn't declined nor grown by even 1% while all others have by an average of 10x since 1990. [ Just to clarify. If Pablo gives you $1 and Suzy, Carlos, and Monique compile their money and give you $10, the three that gave you $10 gave 10x the amount Pablo gave you. ]
