Photo 1,611 of 2,204 in Wall Photos

Happy Birthday to Aldous Huxley, born #otd 1894. Part of a illustrious family, His grandfather was Thomas Huxley, who was working on the theory of evolution at about the same time as Darwin. His father Leonard and brother Julian were both well regarded scientists. A philosopher and writer, he was nominated for the Nobel Prize for literature nine times. Now probably more famous for two books, Brave New World, a different take on the future than Orwell’s 1984 and The Doors of Perception, a look at mescaline. The 60’s group, The Doors, took their name from the book title. Also known for promoting LSD when it was becoming known and used in LA. Was given LSD as he was on his deathbed. When he died late in the afternoon, it was only then that the people at the house found out that JFK had been assassinated….

NobeNug (OFM)'s Album: Wall Photos