• TheTamachan
    Finishing this batch of gingerbread cookies for the loved ones on my holiday baking list! ❤️🍪✨🍯 waiting for the first dozens to cool enough for icing 🔥🍪🤓 #hawaiilife #companion #holidaybaking #baked
    • Ak420Daddy and 8 others like this.
    • TheTamachan
      IndulgeMe (OFM) I love baking and getting baked this time of year
    • TheTamachan
      TheTamachan Amen! 🌬🙏🏾
      • December 17, 2019
  • TheTamachan
    I grow food ^.^ ✨❤️👌🏾 i grew this celery from seed! Time to trim it up and blanche it so it can go in some cornbread stuffing soon ✨❤️😚 #hawaiilife #companion #homegrown #growsomethinggreen
    • The Watson Experiment and 42 others like this.
    • TheTamachan
      TheTamachan Yes, I’m super lucky to have the green thumb! I really love growing plants and trees! ❤️🦚🎄🥬
    • TheTamachan
      MasturBakeTheater Isn't it so amazing. The celery seed, so itsy bitsy small. With attention and nurturing. That itsy bitsy seed, becomes this tall stalk. I just love everything about growing. Food, weed, children...all so amazing to be a part of...
    • TheTamachan
      Ganjabear (OFM) Mmmmm, celery.
    • TheTamachan
      themadbotanist420 I can dig it!
    • TheTamachan
      TheTamachan ❤️🔥 Thanks everyone
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