Photo 11 of 36 in Wall Photos

Greatsouthern (OFM)'s Album: Wall Photos

  • IndulgeMe (OFM)
    IndulgeMe (OFM) Surely it's a satirical site, there can't be people that would actually believe that lol if there are, we know the governments plan is working. Making us stupid and and pliant
    December 31, 2016
  • Greatsouthern (OFM)
    Greatsouthern (OFM) Sadly no, it's no joke. They are a lobbyist group and all to real. The thing I found most amusing and both sad at the same time, was how much support they actually seem to be getting.
    January 1, 2017
  • shonzilla (OFM)
    shonzilla (OFM) shit did a bong shot to the asshole last night what you talking about its all the rage in cali lol. but seriously how could you suport something like that smh
    January 1, 2017 - 1 likes this
  • Greatsouthern (OFM)
    Greatsouthern (OFM) Wait...nope, you all are right GreatUncleRich (OFM)­ IndulgeMe (OFM)­ . Did a little further digging and yes, they started out as a spoof site. And over time it's just gotten more and more elaborate.
    I don't know weather to be more relieved, or...  more
    January 2, 2017